Publication - OI

The Summit of the Future 2024

LE 23.08.2024

European headquarters of the United Nations. Leandro Neumann Ciuffo / Flickr, CC BY 2.0

Podcast - Les entretiens de l'Observatoire

Richard Gowan

Richard Gowan is the UN Director of the International Crisis Group, in New York. He is responsible for all matters linked with peace and security at the UN. He is also an associate fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

Interview conduced by Alexandra Novosseloff, research associate at the Centre Thucydide (Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas).

Mots clés :  diplomatie   Négociations   ONU   podcast   sommet 

CERI · Les entretiens de l’Oi : The Summit of the Future 2024
Pour citer ce document :
Richard Gowan, "The Summit of the Future 2024". Les entretiens de l'Observatoire, podcast, 23.08.2024,