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    Observatory of Multilateralism and International Organizations

    28 rue des Saints Pères
    75007 Paris

    Editorial management

    Ayrton Aubry, Camille Bayet, Pierre Chabal, Lena Chercheneff, Quentin Couvreur, Alix Defrain-Meunier, Samuel B.H. Faure, Carola Klöck, Sonia Le Gouriellec, Mathilde Leloup, Lucile Maertens, Chloé Maurel, Kévin Parthenay, Franck Petiteville, Emilija Pundziute-Gallois, Chiara Ruffa, Marie Saiget, Sarah Tanke, Charles Tenenbaum, Anaëlle Vergonjeanne.

    Scientific Committee

    Mélanie Albaret, Delphine Allès, Thierry Balzacq, Gilles Bertrand, Lena Chercheneff, Cécile Crespy, Alix Defrain-Meunier, Guillaume Devin, Milena Dieckhoff, Auriane Guilbaud, Samuel B.H. Faure, Adrien Fauve, Carola Klöck, Evelyne Lagrange, Mathilde Leloup, Marieke Louis, Lucile Maertens, Benoît Martin, Franck Petiteville, Delphine Placidi-Frot, Emilija Pundziute Gallois, Frédéric Ramel, Marie Saiget, Sarah Tanke, Manon-Nour Tannous, Charles Tenenbaum, Simon Tordjman, Virginie Troit, Anaëlle Vergonjeanne.

    Editorial secretary

    Sarah Tanke

    Editorial contact


    Grégory Calès

    Multilateralism Journal

    ISSN 2825-6107


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